5 Benefits of Recruitment Agencies
If you’re thinking of hiring new staff for your Company, the thought of sorting through hundreds of Resumes can be overwhelming.
Irrespective of your Company’s size, Recruitment Agencies can help you source the best candidates to meet the changing needs of your Company. In the past few years, the number of Recruiters relying on Recruiting Agencies’ hiring expertise has increased. Although finding potential employees via job boards is an option, hiring through Recruitment Agencies is a better and more effective way.
So, what are the benefits of Recruitment Agencies in hiring? We will discuss 5 advantages in this article.
Talent identifying Ability
One of the biggest benefits of a Hiring Agency is that they specialize in identifying the best fit for your Company, just like your Company specializes in a particular domain. Hiring talented candidates is a tricky task. It’s best to leave it to a Staffing Agency.
The Experience of Recruitment Consultants in avoiding hiring the wrong candidate can be extremely valuable. They know which candidate is suitable for the role, their skills, and salary expectations.
Once the Recruiter notifies the Hiring Agency about the job position and hiring criteria, the agency begins finding suitable candidates for the position.
The ‘ideal candidate’ is usually the one who is not actively searching for a new job but would be open to one if a suitable opportunity is offered. A Recruitment Agency has vast networks and has a precise idea of where to find such individuals.
Another merit of working with a Recruitment Agency is its comprehensive information about individual segments of the job market and the available candidates in particular segments.
They are experts in learning about the Recruiter’s expectations quickly. This means they won’t waste time in finding unsuitable candidates for the vacant position.
Advertise Roles
Mostly when Employers announce a job-opening, they do not receive applications of the matching caliber. For example, a Recruiter might be looking for candidates with Niche Skills like Advanced JAVA but end up receiving Resumes of candidates with knowledge of basic programming concepts.
This can be attributed to poor marketing. The high-caliber candidates most likely aren’t aware of the job-announcement, so they miss out.
While Employers announce a job opening, a Recruitment Agency markets it actively. They use their expert practices and extensive networks to identify suitable candidates — something the HR department doesn’t do.
Some professionals may not be actively looking for a job change, but your vacancy could entice them.
Negotiate Salaries
Your recruitment agency can help you benchmark remuneration against other Companies in your industry before the salary negotiation process. They can also guide you with finalizing the appropriate salary and provide insights on current trends.
Recruitment can negotiate on behalf of both employer and the Candidate and agree on a mutually acceptable remuneration package. If the Candidate and the Employer are aware of each other’s expectations from the beginning, it assures a realistic prospect of sealing the deal.
Interview candidates
A Recruitment Agency can conduct interviews on your behalf, saving you time, effort, and capital. The Agency conducts the interview smartly. It does an initial candidate screening over the phone to determine the candidate’s suitability for the job role.
This also helps in narrowing down the candidates for the subsequent rounds.
Moreover, the Recruitment Agency also performs background checks on the shortlisted candidates, saving the HR Department’s time.
For the Final Round of interviews, the agency can provide a synopsis of the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate, based on their experience with the candidates in the initial rounds. This can help the recruiter conduct interviews exploring these further.
Deliver interim professionals
With a Recruitment Agency, you can hire employees of all types — full time, Freelancers, and Contract-based. They have separate hiring procedures and are experts in finding high-caliber candidates in any employment type.
There can be many reasons for hiring Freelancers or Contract-based Employees. They can act as a backup for a full-time employee who is ill or has left the company before the notice period. Or, a Team Lead may require additional resources to strengthen the capacity of the team.
Either way, the part-time employees are available to hit the ground anytime, meaning there is no time lost in getting them up to speed.
Final Words
The Staffing agency benefits go beyond just hiring candidates. They can conduct interviews on your behalf, do background checks, negotiate salaries, and manage any onboarding issues that the candidates might face.
All this saves you time and money, which you can use to strengthen your Company’s infrastructure or other activities.
We hope that the above-stated benefits have helped you understand how a Recruitment Agency can help you ace your hiring game.